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Premium jerky made with quality ingredients starting with top sirloin beef.  And a marinade that is like nothing you've ever tasted.  The most common response when someone tries it for the first time is"WOW!"


You need to experience it firsthand to truly grasp how much better this jerky is than anything you've tasted yet.  After you try it, let me know what the first words out of your mouth are, lol.

Red Reaper Jerky

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  • Top Sirloin Beef, Onion, Garlic, Brown Sugar, Soy Sauce,
    Teriyaki Sauce, Worcestesire Sauce, Balsamic Vinegar, 
    Liquid Smoke, Pineapple , Carolina Reaper Pepper (Medium and F'n HOT only)

  • When opening this jerky the first instinct is to just rip it open, grab it and start eating away at it.


    At least with the Medium and the F'n HOT versions.  These have the world's hottest pepper, the Carolina Reaper, in the marinade.  Getting this on your hands could be painful mistake if you touch your eyes or other sensitive areas.  

    The best way to open the package is by using the notch in the side of the package.  By using this and holding the package, you don't have to touch the marinade.  But it's highly recommended that you wash your hands after eating.  Just in case!

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